My business.

My business.
Katy, Tucker and Bug.

Monday, December 31, 2012

As some of you already know, I'm no longer affiliated with WeezleWings Ferret Sanctuary. We had epic differences of opinion on a matter of truth, and parted ways. Some people will say "about time you wised up and left", but some may want more info. I know I'm not ready to share it all now, at least not through this forum. I don't want to hurt WWFS, but I do think that Susie needs more help than I can give, and she really needs to have a reduced sense of entitlement. Just my opinion, though.

On the homefront, Bug is still fat and happy. Tucker is too, but less so. He spends about half his time penned up with Katy who is no longer on free-roam due to her injury. She isn't having any seizures, though, and the vet is pleased with her condition. She actually said "I'm digging this blanket you've got her wrapped in." about the cheap fleece throw I'd cut up to make smaller blankets. I use a lot of fleece throws. I'll fold one in half to put on the floor of the playpen, one gets folded in quarters and is laid on the bed that's in the pen. They get changed daily, the bed usually gets changed two or three times a day. The ferret laundry is washed on the Sanitary cycle, too. I'm figuring this thing out, but I'd like to find a sweet little girl to be Katy's full-time buddy.

Not much else is going on, really. I'm trying to get the house ready for sale and movers, but I'm having trouble with my motivation. I suspect I'm depressed, but there's nothing I can do about it right now, except keep moving forward.

I wish you a wonderful 2013, and may it bring us all things awesome. To 2012 I say "good riddance to bad rubbish". I'll try to post more often, but we all know how that works. 

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