My business.

My business.
Katy, Tucker and Bug.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


On May 12, 2012, I returned from another two-week stay at WWFS. I took along our Shark steamer, and while it's not the newest model it sure did do a job on some of the cleaning tasks. The only drawback is that I was on my hands and knees (which aren't in the best of shape) for longer than I care to be, which is not at all. The process set me back a couple of days, too. I was so sore that I didn't feel up to doing anything. To complicate matters I ran out of my tylenol. Sheesh. Of course, it didn't hurt that I tripped the second day I was there and landed HARD on those same knees that I don't like being on at all. Why, of course it was a concrete slab floor! What a silly thing to ask! Anyway, I figured that I'm in a little better shape for doing manual labor than Susie is and that if it set me back two days, well, I hate to think of what it would do to her. With that in mind I broke down and purchased a Shark Steam Mop (refurbished). I used it to clean the floor in the Alpha Room and woo hoo! It did great!

I spent money on a few other things, too, learned what Stage 2 of hospice looked like - two of the boys from "Old Man's Row" entered it while I was there - and generally got a lot of administrative work done. We managed to re-connect with some of the past sponsors and found out about even more things that our ex-CFO (a title she claimed for herself) committed behind the scenes. Shipping address are reverting to their original state (the Sanctuary) and packages have once again begun to arrive there.

We held a very unsuccessful yard sale (on Cinco de Mayo in Texas? What were we thinking?) and had to revert to posting on our Facebook fan page for donations. WWFS really needs meds (especially pred) and other supplies. On the second day with donations only trickling in I added that donors would be entered into a drawing for one of my sleepsacks - custom size, no less - or a glass candle holder with 7 sets of votives in different scents. They're still trickling.

Upon my return here my hubby and I had a talk. The long and short of it is that we can't be the sole supporters of WWFS. We don't have the funds for it. If we were to win a substantial lottery prize then WWFS wouldn't have to worry about a thing again, ever, but we're not quite there. So tell me, what's it going to take to get some donations? We're not asking for any set amount per donation. If you can only afford a buck or two, that's great. We certainly don't want anyone to extend themselves beyond their comfort level. Keep in mind that Susie is available by phone 24/7 to answer questions about ferrets. She's had her own ferrets for  over two decades and has a nursing degree. Ferrets in her care can expect to live about two years longer than they would in anyone else's care. Yeah, she knows her stuff when it comes to ferrets and their care. She'll answer questions for anyone. Anyone. She's not living in the lap of luxury at the expense of her ferrets, she's not spending all her time on the computer. She's caring for her ferrets.

So, come on. What do you say?


  1. Dear Connie, you and your very patient hubby have good kind and generous hearts, and I admire and respect anyone who so selflessly tries to help. I cringed when I read about you hitting the concrete floors, you are so lucky you didn't shatter a kneecap!! I know you must have been exhausted at the end of the two weeks, and it was probably hard for you to leave.

    You've done all that you can, and having that voice of reason discussion with your hubby was a good thing. The bottom line is that you can't help someone that isn't willing to help themselves. And by that, I mean no malice, no hate at all. Susie had posted about her mental illness and physical issues on various Yahoo forums in years past, but has she pursued getting her SS Disability so that she can get the medical and psychiatric help she needs? I don't believe so, and that's where she has to start to reclaim a healthy and happy life. It's not up to you and your husband, or the rest of the world to enable her to continue. You'd stated in another entry about folks questioning whether someone with all those issues should even be sheltering, and you were quite supportive, and that was very kind. When I read this entry, and with you leaving, I was left with the feeling of worry for those ferrets left in her care. Susie has written at great length publicly about her depression, panic attacks, and agoraphobia, and those are indeed huge personal hurdles to overcome, but the person needs to start with wanting to reclaim their lives. I know, I speak of personal experience here, and my heart breaks for anyone that is living day in and day out in that dark abyss of sadness, loneliness and no joy or hope. It truly is up to her to want to make change, and I would hope that perhaps you can encourage her, as a dear friend, to move in that direction. Wouldn't it be wonderful one day to go visit, and instead of being faced with having to steam clean the place, and work so hard, instead you were greeted with a clean house and a happy Susie, capable of taking care of herself and those in her charge?

    Now if you bash me for my response, I can't say that my feelings won't be hurt, but I truly hope that you realize I'm writing from a good heart, and that ultimately what I want to see are all questions removed about the care of the ferrets, and that ultimately rests on the shoulders of Susie taking care of business all the way around in her world.


    Barb Clay
    Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
    Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    1. Thank you for the assessment of mine and my husband's hearts. Yes, there were parts of the trip that were exhausting-the drive, for example-but all-in-all I was fine at the end of it and only dreaded the 5-hour drive to get back home.

      I do know that having that discussion with the spousal unit was a good thing. We do have a good relationship and he understands my desire to help and is often first in our household to make suggestions on different ways to do so. He suggests we donate items in our house which we no longer need but which are still in great condition for fund-raisers or use at the sanctuary. He, too, appreciates Susie's accessibility when it comes to getting ferret-health questions answered. He is definitely a man who believes in reciprocating.

      Don't you think it's odd that aside from the occasional fundraiser that Susie didn't need this much help until Michelle got involved?

      I've been involved with animal welfare before. Anytime you're cleaning up after critters you've got a never-ending job. It gets worse as those critters age, and when more critters enter the equation. That's just a fact.

      As far as Susie's 'mental illness', are you sure that's an accurate assessment? I speak with Susie daily, we've gone out in public several times, I've spent prolonged periods of time with her. You have not. She's most often an upbeat and caring individual. It's just that she's dealing with constant, and often debilitating pain. Put yourself in that situation.

      I'd really like to see people just stop spreading rumors about each other in the ferret community. Just by you posting it here others will see it and depending upon how they feel about you and how they feel about Susie they'll jump to conclusions.

      One thing that strikes me, and strikes me hard: When Susie's online she's greeting people, getting a quick laugh, or offering suggestions on medical care based upon someone's descriptions of what their ferret is going through. She's not asking about some rumor, she's not backbiting, she's not trying to fight with anyone. She's taking care of her "business."

      It's all--or it should be--about the ferrets. Why can't we focus on that?

      I hope you don't see anything here as bashing. It's not my intention. Nor is it my intention to allow the perpetuation of these rumors.

  2. Dear Connie,
    Thank you for your reply. May I reply to you privately on this? These were not my assessments of her, but she'd written openly on public internet forums about her mental and physical illnesses years ago. I don't want you to think that I invented this to perpetuate a rumor. She's put all of this out there in the past, as well as her inability to clean her home. Actually, these issues didn't start with Michelle, but it took on a new life with the advent of Facebook, there were concerns years ago. Thank you and your husband for all you do and want to do. I see this morning my responses to you, and Susie's rude response to me/and my reply on WWFS FB were deleted. I've not involved myself in all of this, but have read the various witness statements, etc., and have actually followed this situation for years anticipating that there be such a situation as there is now. I posted to you in good faith, trying to help with finding cheaper sources for supplies, and you yourself saw the response I got, and others did too, it wasn't nice. I've offered some simple help, and was rudely responded to.

    1. Barb,
      I don't feel comfortable with that. I don't go behind anyone's back. If you were the subject of this would you like it if that were going on? The simple truth is that the past IS the past and it should stay there. Situations change, people change-sometimes for the better, sometimes... well, you know, and the written word is only as reliable as the spoken word in a clinical setting, devoid of emotion. Comments online lack the passion of speech and therefore lose much of their meaning when written. Perhaps if you have time you should read some of Deborah Tannen's books on social linguistics.
      You had the good grace to respond to me with a nod to Michelle, but you never answered my question regarding WWFS and her involvement.
      Whether you believe it or not, I happen to know for a fact that there are people who are actively spreading rumors about Susie, harassing her, etc. I know I'd feel some trepidation about a lot of things if I were in that situation.
      As far as the WWFS fan page goes, well, Barb, I felt that your reply to me was abrupt and a bit condescending-not at all what I'd expect from someone whose only intent was to assist and educate. I'd even go so far as to say it was offensive, but I've got thicker skin than that. Apparently that's what Susie saw, too. So, no. I'd rather not go private with this discussion. I'll certainly not go on record as being one of the gossip mongers. That just ain't my cup o'tea.

  3. Dear Connie,

    You wrote, " ...I hope you don't see anything here as bashing. It's not my intention. Nor is it my intention to allow the perpetuation of these rumors."

    My reply; No mam, thank you.

    As for the rumors, re Michelle, as you mentioned; It's a nasty mess, and was avoidable. I advised Susie years ago to establish herself as a business, requiring compliance w/ zoning, incorporation in the State of Texas, and a board of directors, incl a treasurer. When mentioned to her, WWFS claimed to be 501c3 on her website, issuing tax deductible receipts for direct and in-kind donations. She was not 501c3, nor a registered business in Tx. It was deleted, but she failed to incorporate. It's a legal can of worms; Money received from auctions and selling items is taxable income and also subject to state sales tax. A checks and balance system is not only good, it's required by law. IRS does make allowances for 'hobby' enthusiasts, but the income and tax issues remain the same.

    As for any other rumors, the only statements I'm familiar with are those that were prepared with the intent of being submitted to the authorities. So those fall more into fact than rumor, with the authors of such taking on full legal liability should they be guilty of making a false report. So those statements take on a bit more integrity and credibility in my eyes.

    You wrote, "...It's all--or it should be--about the ferrets. Why can't we focus on that?

    I totally agree with you on both points; I specialize in rescue, helping shelters all over the country to avoid ever being in a position where the ferrets in their care need to be rescued. A shelter rescue is sad! It starts with someone with a love for ferrets, but without a plan in place, it spirals downhill from the start. Once advertising that you take in ferrets.....they will come. Establish a business, fundraising/support mechanisms, vols base, to carry out a plan to succeed. You can't just love ferrets, give yourself a name, and expect to give a minimal threshold of care from habitat to professional medical care. It's a recipe for failure. AND, the ferrets' welfare then comes into question, as it has here.

    It is all about the ferrets, for you and for me, and others....or else we wouldn't be having this conversation. We're on the same page. Right now, it's Susie's ferrets....not a shelter or sanctuary, but Susie's ferrets. No one owes me or any other shelter operator anything on any level, we chose to shelter, it's on us as individuals to make it the best possible environment and future for those we take in. It's Susie's home, the USA, she can live any way she wants to....but she's involved the world by asking for support. We want to help, more than you know and is appreciated, as a result of alot of misunderstandings and lack of initiative on Susie's part. She can fix this, it's on her.

    I'd like to see this situation ancient history. The country needs good shelters. Either do good business practices, be able to manage those in your charge, or stop calling yourself a shelter and desperately soliciting for funds for basic medical care. It does boil down to being "all about the ferrets", but starts with doing good business.

    Thanks again for being open on this, and civil.

    Barb Clay
    Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
    Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

  4. Dear Connie,
    we were writing at the same time. What I was suggesting was forwarding you a copy of what Susie had written about herself, no secrets there. She knows what she wrote, it wasn't me inventing is all I wanted to illustrate to you. You had every right to question me on that, and I was just merely showing you her own words.

    Sorry you found my question of sterile water v lactated ringer offensive. It was that you wrote you didn't understand the application, therefore, I offered some information, and if that shared info came across condescending, please be assured that was not my intent. We all are learning all the time, and as you stated in your post there, YOU weren't familiar with those meds, that's all. It was a response to you, not Susie. I spent some time tracking down cheap costs for those meds that you requested, I was trying to help you.

    I believe I responded to the issue w/Michelle. It's a huge she said/she said, and a mess involving so many folks. It's horrible and sad. It should never have been allowed to happen. It's had a very negative impact on the shelter community at-large, not just WWFS' ability to obtain needed medical and operational funds.

    Best to you and yours...and Susie and her's too!

    Barb Clay
    Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
    Dir of Shelter Affairs for Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    1. No, Barb, the issue with Michelle is NOT a huge she said/she said deal, Michelle switched delivery addresses for Sanctuary items so that WWFS donors and suppliers would be delivering to HER, and not to the Sanctuary. Now, if, and that's a BIG if, if she lived just a few miles away I could see that, but she's at least as far from WWFS as I am (about 5 hours). Add to that the fact that she made that change AFTER she was told NOT to do that and I see a definite intent to defraud. Compound it with the fact that she has a box of things to send to WWFS but which she's holding hostage UNTIL WWFS coughs up the $ to pay the postage and I just wanna scream. She even ADMITS that she has things to send to WWFS, and the WWFS donors and suppliers are having to change their records so that things are once again sent to Susie and the ferrets. As far as allowing it to happen, well, Susie had several hospice ferrets at that time. I believe she lost 7 elderly ones last summer (and no, I don't know specifics - having lost much loved pets I know the pain associated with it - it's one thing to talk about death in the abstract, but applying it to someone you love, well, I try not to go there), and she was, as they say, busier than a one-armed paper hanger. Yet Susie soldiered on. She repeatedly asked Michelle for financial records but there was always something else going on in Michelle's life that made it impossible to send them to her. Things like eating soup, or going out for ice cream. I spoke with Michelle a couple of times. Once she told me that she'd paid one of Susie's bills, yet when I called about the same bill the provider was about to cut it off. Susie contacted one of her suppliers and learned that some implants that she really needed had been sent to Michelle. Why? I don't know why the "shelter community" can't get it through their heads that Michelle flat-out lied. She lied to Susie on numerous occasions and she lied to me. I wish every shelter operator everywhere could read this and take the warning to steer clear of her.
      Oh, by the way? She's got 17 names she's been known by. 17. Why does ANYONE need 17 names? You want to see my proof? I'll email it to you. Perhaps if Susie had done a background check on Michelle this all could have been avoided. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Didn't and now done for, it appears. The whole thing just makes me furious, especially because I've seen the place.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I have deleted a couple of comments made by a) someone who's shown to me that she has a big grudge against Susie, and b) someone sharing the same screen name but claiming to be someone else. That's just too suspicious. Ergo, gone.

  8. I think both of the posts' content had merit, regardless of who posted. When a couple people are at the same desk, discussing and posting, it's very easy for someone to accidentally post in an open window under someone else's name, and I'm sure that's what happened considering Millie signed her post. I didn't see anything mean spirited in the posts at all, they were rather academic.

    You deleted those two posts because of known big grudges. What do you think are the reasons for such grudges against Susie? That's so foreign to me, we all here for years have teamed together on rescues, surrenders, sharing donations, adoptions, sharing medical knowledge, etc. Here on the East Coast; MD, VA, PA, DE, NJ, WV, NC, SC, all us shelter ops work and play together so well, we all do things differently, but we all do good work and respect each other, ...and it's all for the ferrets that we do work in such great harmony. That's alot of shelters!, and we care about each other personally and respect each other tremendously!

    I hate to see the grudges that Susie has contributed to, now isolate her. I would wish that on no shelter op! I hope that she can work towards making amends and changing that, if she is to continue. Networking in the shelter world is a critical tool for the betterment of the welfare of the animals.

    The more I read from you that there exists bad relationships within the shelter/sanctuary community with Susie, the more I have to question why? The deletions and your response did no good for Susie's rep at this point in trying to rebuild any trust, it just prompted more questions, imho. Those posts were not haters, they voiced genuine concerns and suggestions for Susie, and even concern for you. I think those posts had good heart.

    I've been in hot spots before, and it was those times that I welcomed my critics. I'd take the constructive statements from what was said and make myself better, and what was not kind spirited, just ignore. To censor or ignore constructive criticism does no one no good, most of all the ferrets and the business of ferrets.

    Barb Clay
    Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
    Dir of Shelter Affairs
    Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    1. You're assuming that Susie's behind the grudges. When someone dumps 22 ferrets on you, then turns around and says you stole them, who's at fault? When someone brings you ferrets that are deathly ill, you bring them back to a robust state of health, and you're then accused of stealing them, who's at fault? When the same person keeps bringing you sick ferrets from her shelter, at what point to you decide there's something wrong with her shelter or the way she's caring for her ferrets? When someone provides you with tainted meds, who should be holding a grudge?

      Millie did all that.

      She was giving out pet beds that she'd received at no charge, just requested that the recipients pay for postage. That's fine. When I emailed her asking for some, and told her that I'd be able to pick them up on my way to another shelter, she asked me which one. Upon finding out it was WeezleWings she withdrew the offer. She wasn't pleasant about it, either.

      While I agree there were some valid points, I can't rule out the possibility that it was the same person posting. Most of the points were ones you'd already made.

    2. Dear Connie,
      You said, "..You're assuming that Susie's behind the grudges."

      I said, "...I hate to see the grudges that Susie has contributed to, now isolate her."

      So, if I read you correctly, it's your pov that Susie was an innocent victim and contributed nothing to that mess?

      Connie, you wrote, "'re then accused of stealing them." Could you elaborate on that?

      You said "..Millie did all that". Wow, powerful accusing statement against Millie.

      What a mess! How do you think all of that could have been avoided? What can Susie do differently today in conducting business that would establish better networking and communication? We are on a quest to see her never get herself in a situation like that again, correct? Where do you think she needs to start to better herself and business? Connie, I'm giving you your proppers here, because you are a smart lady, and I know in my heart of hearts you want to see her improve. Tell me, what and where do you think she needs to improve. You're 5 hrs away, you can't be going there steam cleaning her concrete floors often, and selling everything in your house to sustain her.

      I sincerely would like to hear what you think would be a good plan to see your friend, the sanctuary that you believe in, move forward and be the best that they can be.

      Barb Clay
      Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
      Dir of Shelter Affairs
      Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    3. It could be another she said/she said situation, but I know Susie pretty well and she doesn't embellish on the truth.

      I'd love to see Susie get herself into a position where she's financially solvent and isn't relying on fundraisers to support the sanctuary, but short of a bit lotto payout what is there?

      I know it's a powerful accusing statement against Millie, and I stand by it.

      As far as a "Fix", I don't know that there is one. I do know that WWFS provides a much needed service in this area. I TRUST Susie's experience and judgment, and I'm generally pretty good at discerning one's character and abilities. Heck, as far as that goes, I spoke with her vet today and HE trusts her and her abilities. What better endorsement could you want?
      I do appreciate your acknowledgment of my smarts. Not many people do, but that's because I joke around so much. As far as "steam cleaning her concrete floors" goes, be honest, shouldn't EVERY shelter do a thorough disinfecting on a regular basis? I know that when I worked for a fairly large humane society many years ago this was done DAILY!

  9. Connie, if you don't mind me asking; How long have you known Susie?..and how many times have you gone there to visit since knowing her? Better knowing your history with WWFS and Susie will help to put things in perspective. Thanks!

    Barb Clay
    Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
    Dir of Shelter Affairs
    Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    1. I've known Susie for about a year. I've been there three separate times.

  10. One more question; Why was I disabled/censored from making any comments on WWFS' FB page?

    Barb Clay
    Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
    Dir of Shelter Affairs
    Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    1. It must have been because someone else found what you'd written to be condescending. We really want to keep things positive there, but lately it seems that all that's been going on is Susie Bashing. I'm not saying that's what you were doing, but someone saw it that way. Maybe we're all just getting a little paranoid over there. *shrug*

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Edited w/a delete because I screwed up my response, apologies!

      AlphajillMay 24, 2012 10:57 PM

      One more question; Why was I disabled/censored from making any comments on WWFS' FB page?

      Barb Clay
      Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
      Dir of Shelter Affairs
      Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

      ConnieMay 24, 2012 11:11 PM

      It must have been because someone else found what you'd written to be condescending. We really want to keep things positive there, but lately it seems that all that's been going on is Susie Bashing. I'm not saying that's what you were doing, but someone saw it that way. Maybe we're all just getting a little paranoid over there. *shrug*
      AlphajillMay 25, 2012 12:37 AM

      Who was responsible for disabling/censoring me? It's no big deal, but I think YOU need to know the answer to that more than I.

      You previously wrote here on your blog about my having been disabled/censored from making comments on WWFS FB:

      Quote from Connie: "As far as the WWFS fan page goes, well, Barb, I felt that your reply to me was abrupt and a bit condescending-not at all what I'd expect from someone whose only intent was to assist and educate. I'd even go so far as to say it was offensive, but I've got thicker skin than that." end quote

      Offensive??? I am an educator, and assist wherever I can be of service. I don't think you have thick skin at all, my post there was clearly discussing lactated ringers and protocols for amounts given. Susie had actually posted on another forum complete ignorance as to what maximum amount of fluids should be given, and with that post it clearly illustrated to anyone of knowledge, that she still didn't know what she was doing, despite her tap dancing with the response about crystalloids. But, none of us were laughing, it raised red flags.

      Yep, a bit paranoid, but Connie, I get it, I understand that you would be. I'm not the enemy. I'm here to help.

      Barb Clay
      Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
      Dir of Shelter Affairs
      Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter

    4. I do have pretty thick skin, especially when it comes to the internet. We're constrained here by the lack of verbal and visual cues to our meaning. I could type something that I thought was a joke, but you wouldn't get it because you couldn't hear changes in my voice or in my expression. Too many people don't acknowledge this because they're too lazy to go beyond reading the written word. It's too one-dimensional. I accept that. I'll see what I can do about getting you un-blocked from the FB page. As far as who's responsible for it, I have no clue. There are 10 moderators there, after all.

    5. Thanks Connie, I appreciate it. I so totally agree with what you've expressed about posting, very true words! Connie, if I can ever be of help, please contact me at Not everything has to be an open book on the internet, if you ever need confidentiality, I offer that 100% as soon as it's asked of me. I have the Ferret Council to answer to, and they expect nothing less of me in helping the ferret community, and I've never let them or any individual down in that regard. We all want the same thing as we move forward. Contact me about anything, and it doesn't have to be about the issue that has acquainted us at all. You've said you have a rescue background, let me know if I can ever assist.

      You are welcome to come visit me and my shelter anytime, and I know you're busy, but if you want to add another group on FB, I'd love to have you in Rocky's, or on our private forum.

      Don't be a stranger, I know what a good heart you have. You can come steam clean my shelter anytime you want! lol


      Barb Clay
      Shelter Rep/The Ferret Council
      Dir of Shelter Affairs
      Rocky's Ferret Rescue and Shelter
      Parkton, MD
