My business.

My business.
Katy, Tucker and Bug.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I've been at Weezle Wings Ferret Sanctuary for almost two weeks now...

And although I'd been hearing reports of what I'd find when I got here I don't think I was fully prepared for it.
The house/Sanctuary definitely needs repairs. Although the structure is sound the floors have been heavily damaged by multiple sewage back-ups. As a result there's no carpet in much of the house. Susie's spirit, however, is undamaged.
Susie's own hindered mobility, along with panic/anxiety disorders make leaving the house a major event for her. One night last week when I was starting to get a little bit of 'cabin fever' we did make a trip for a very little bit of shopping and to have dinner where her dear friend Meagan was supposed to be working. Alas, Meagan was not there. We stayed anyway as Susie hadn't felt any real anxiety while we were out.
Since I've been here I've done laundry. LOADS and LOADS of laundry. Susie's pain problems make it a very unwelcome task. I've suggested that she'd have less laundry to do if she'd keep less in the way of bedding and toys on hand for everyone, but she says she'd rather have more so she she'd have what she needed for when she goes through bad times and can't manage the laundry.  I don't want to say that I'm proud that I've done so much of it, but I do feel a certain degree of accomplishment over it. I mean, I hate to do laundry. I'd almost prefer to get a pelvic exam. Almost. Heck, I'll go ahead and claim the pride. Meagan came by a few times and helped Susie when I wasn't feeling well. Susie's lucky to have Meagan as a friend as Meagan has her own life and work to do. Meagan helps Susie out whenever she can and has bonded with several of the ferrets. She's become an integral part of the daily operations at WeezleWings and comes and goes as she can. The ferrets adore her and I'm grateful that she considers Susie and WWFS as important as we do.
I'd been told by Susie that she didn't do any real cooking because it hurt too much for her to stand for very long so I knew I wouldn't find much food in the house. Within an hour of unloading my truck (and oh, boy, did Susie gush about Bug!) I was off to buy groceries. Susie's repeatedly told me that she's eaten like a king for the past week. I'm glad - she looks way too thin to me (but then I'm a bit on the hefty side). I'd like to think that I've been preparing healthy meals. They're the kind of meals I'd make at home, and my husband doesn't usually complain.
On to the ferrets:
All the ferrets here appear happy. It truly is a Weasel Wonderland, and my three have been thrilled as play opportunities abound. Even my relatively untrained eye can see that there are ferrets here who many "rescuers" would have given up on way before now. SnarlieMan, Snoodlebug, and Melfi to name just three. It's good that she hasn't got any hospice ferrets right now, or we'd never have gotten out of the house at all.
The ferrets here are all well-socialized, affectionate, or at least attentive, and energetic. Even the oldsters want to play and appreciate the many shows of affection that Susie rains down upon them. None of them are ever left out. I don't know how she keeps track of who gets a daily dose of supplement and who hasn't, but she does.
Some people would ask (and rather nastily) that if Susie can't take care of herself then why would she try to take care of ferrets. The truth is that she DOES take care of herself and that it's the ferrets who keep her going. I've made suggestions for easy meal preparation (slow-cooker meals, mostly) and she's definitely receptive to the idea. My attitude is that anyone who's going to be nasty needs to just go someplace else and read a different blog.
Today when we took out trash we found that a couple of neighborhood stray dogs had dumped one of her trash bins. Ugh. We picked it up and I did what I could to make it difficult for them to dump it again. While I was collecting the last few bits of scattered trash Susie went to the mailbox. She came back to show me a much-needed donation, and said "Before Michelle took over the money I'd find donations like this in the mail a few times a month, and I'd get packages from our sponsors and other supporters at least three or four times a week." That made my blood boil, especially seeing the circumstances that are here now.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a bad place for ferrets. I just can see how it could be better for Susie.
So any and all Michelle supporters, be advised, she's taken full advantage of Susie. I don't know if what she's done is so she can "come to the rescue" at a later date and get credit for saving Weezle Wings, and I don't care. What she's done is nothing short of premeditated evil. She's stolen from Susie and from these dear ferrets. In one conversation I had with her she said "I love Susie and those ferrets!" Well, Michelle, you've got a very interesting way of demonstrating your love. Please, don't ever fall in love with me, all right?

Oh, by the way, if you're the  parent of any shelter or rescue and received money, promotional items from our sponsors, or ferret care items from Michelle Ritcheson Chastain (or one of her many aliases) chances are really good that it was something donated to WWFS. We don't begrudge you any of it because we believe every ferret should get the best chance for survival, and placement.

If you're feeling charitable, WWFS will gladly accept donations. We are not a 501(c)3 organization for a couple of reasons, but please don't let that stop you. We can use Walmart gift cards, Visa gift cards, gift cards from either PETCO or PetSmart, gift certificates from,, or anywhere that sells ferret food, supplements, supplies, or general household items like laundry soap, trash bags, etc.

Weezle Wings Ferret Sanctuary
228 Longmont
Hallsville, TX 75650

Thanks in advance for caring.


  1. Just to let you know things are not what you were told and what you said about Michelle in this portion of your blog..

    "Today when we took out trash we found that a couple of neighborhood stray dogs had dumped one of her trash bins. Ugh. We picked it up and I did what I could to make it difficult for them to dump it again. While I was collecting the last few bits of scattered trash Susie went to the mailbox. She came back to show me a much-needed donation, and said "Before Michelle took over the money I'd find donations like this in the mail a few times a month, and I'd get packages from our sponsors and other supporters at least three or four times a week." That made my blood boil, especially seeing the circumstances that are here now.
    Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a bad place for ferrets. I just can see how it could be better for Susie.
    So any and all Michelle supporters, be advised, she's taken full advantage of Susie. I don't know if what she's done is so she can "come to the rescue" at a later date and get credit for saving Weezle Wings, and I don't care. What she's done is nothing short of premeditated evil. She's stolen from Susie and from these dear ferrets. In one conversation I had with her she said "I love Susie and those ferrets!" Well, Michelle, you've got a very interesting way of demonstrating your love. Please, don't ever fall in love with me, all right?

    Oh, by the way, if you're the parent of any shelter or rescue and received money, promotional items from our sponsors, or ferret care items from Michelle Ritcheson Chastain (or one of her many aliases) chances are really good that it was something donated to WWFS. We don't begrudge you any of it because we believe every ferret should get the best chance for survival, and placement."

    Susie is the one that took advantage of everyone else not Michelle. Michelle has sent proof of receipts to the admins of the group page of everything that she spent and sent to Susie, I was there when most of it was done. I watched and listened as Michelle called people for donations for WWFS and was with her when she went to the Post Office to mail everything that was for WWFS. So before you go half-cocked get all the facts not just one side of a story which is not true to begin with. I am so fed up with all you people bashing Michelle for something that she did right and taking up for Susie when all she did was wrong. It sickens me to know that you only get Susie's side of the story and not the whole story at that, when you should hear the entire true story from everyone involved not just one person. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU POINT FINGERS AT ANYONE EVER!! YOU TELLING LIES ON SOMEONE COULD COME BACK AND BITE YOU IN THE BUTT!!!!

  2. So, Susie took advantage of everyone. FYI, Michelle sent the receipts she wanted seen, not all the receipts. She provided proof of purchases that weren't even for ferret things, things which she had told Susie were "gifts" from her, John and her mother. Things which, when they arrived, made Susie wonder why on earth Michelle would send them. Maybe YOU should get YOUR facts straight.

    I know for a _fact_ that Michelle sold at least one item in the last fundraiser twice. She told me that it was taken care of, but she told the high bidder that had pulled it from the auction, AND that I was going to make another one to send. Bull. Michelle has committed fraud. Not one penny from the last fundraiser made it to WeezleWings Ferret Sanctuary. Not. One. Penny. One item I had donated went for $70. I didn't donate that so the money could stop at Michelle.

    Here's a question; if Michelle was so honest and forthright why didn't she ever provide any proof to Susie regarding where the money was going, despite the many times Susie asked for financial records? Why did it take a third party looking into the finances to get any of that information out of her?

    You believe what you want to believe. I've spoken to Michelle, and I've heard her lies. I've heard how frustrated Susie has been over deliveries which have stopped coming to her home. I've SEEN what is and what ISN'T at WWFS. Yeah, my loyalty stays with Susie.

  3. If it quacks like a duck, Connie, it's a duck. From what I've personally heard from at least three separate sources unrelated to Michelle or each other, Susie Riddle is a complete drain on society, will not or is not able to properly care for herself, let alone PROPERLY care for animals. She relies on the kindness and financial support of caring and naive people and manipulates circumstances to her advantage. I will not continue, nor will I encourage others, to ENABLE this abhorrent behavior. If you want to turn peoples' thinking around, you're gonna have to do it with a lot more than accusations and nasty blog posts.

    1. If Susie was a "complete drain on society" as you say, she'd be sucking up as much public assistance as she could. She's not.

      For years she kept the ferret money and her own separate. She was... persuaded to merge them by Michelle and another person. Those same people trashed the ferret bank account with unapproved expenditures and by not sending on funds raised on behalf of the ferrets.

      I've seen how the animals are cared for, and there's nothing improper about it. Would I change things? Sure, but then I doubt I'd have the emotional strength to deal with hospice ferrets.

      As far as your last sentence goes, how can Susie defend herself when SHE WASN'T PROVIDED WITH ANY FINANCIAL RECORDS FOR THE ENTIRE TIME MICHELLE WAS IN CHARGE OF THE FUNDS?

      Sorry, needed to yell that since nobody seems to be picking up on it.

  4. It seems to me a rather large name has been left out of this discussion. Susie is well aware of the name, and you should be as well, Connie. We've tried to warn you. You'll find out, just like all the others did....and you'll be hurt...just like they all were. Michelle is NOT the first person that's been through this with Susie..the list is LONG. She's down to you. Fight for her all you like, but know that you really are doing it at those ferret's expense. The sooner she owns her disabilities and does something about them, the sooner those ferrets will be placed in safe homes, that can provide for them. Susie can't. That's why she's ALWAYS asking for money. If you have to always ask for money, you are living beyond your means and need to rethink things. Doesn't make her bad. What's bad is that she keeps sucking people in, and expecting them to do all the work for her, and then when she 'thinks' they've wronged her in some way, she burns another bridge. There's a lot of smoke in the ferret world due to Susie's bridge burning. Sorry, I've seen the receipts. I know what the money was spent on, and if that ever got out, you'd be gone too....we didn't post them, ON PURPOSE, because it would have completely humiliated Susie. You can't doctor STORE PRINTED receipts, WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION. And we received receipts that totaled WAY over the auction amount, so we KNOW people were helping her out of their pocket. Please don't let her do that to you too. Help her get the help she needs, so those ferrets and other animals can be safe. And I agree with Anita....You are going to find a LOT of those people who's bridges Susie burned speaking up about it on here. We can't possibly ALL be wrong.

  5. Well, if you've seen the receipts I think I know who you are. Your accusations would carry a lot more weight if you'd left your name.

    I think I know what you're talking about when you say "store printed receipts" and I've got to ask you the same thing; why wasn't Michelle showing those same store printed receipts to Susie when she was asking, repeatedly, for proof of where the money was going?

  6. Connie , i think its time to publish the list, its time to make the majority of the truth known. i feel very sorry for these 3 sad posters who obviously spend more time in gossip online than they do taking care of their ferrets, especially the one that supposedly has a shelter. for shame. go ahead connie, let it loose.

    1. All right. Consider it done.

    2. to whom it may concern: RE 2 Holiday type Baskets for Duke Bear in latter 2011-:
      2 Holiday Baskets were purchased, made & shipped but - never arrived. My local Postal office lost track of them -they showed reciept of them coming in but never being received @ the next step-the sorting center. After many phone calls - it was clear they were lost- i remade 2 more baskets & shipped again but with insurance this time. Those 2 did arrive safely & everyone had a Merry Holiday.
      I hope this clears any confusion with parties involved.
      Respectfully, Rose German(Little Feet Ferret Bedding)
